This notice discloses the privacy policies for the website (the “website”, “we”, “our”, or “us”).  It pertains solely to information collected by this website. 


This website uses “cookies.” Cookies are small pieces of data that is used to identify user sessions and visits to our site.  No Cookies on this website are linked to personally identifiable information in any way.

We may have business partners such as advertisers who also utilize cookies on this site.  We have no access or control over these cookies.


The only personally identifiable information this website collects is by way of voluntary submission of your email address.  You are prompted to provide a working email address to us to sign up for our email newsletter and other direct correspondence.  You also must provide us an email address to access certain areas of the site such as free sample book chapters. 

We are the sole owners of this information.  We do not sell or disclose this data to third parties outside of those necessary to deliver on the reason you provided us this information- e.g. send you emails.  We do utilize third party partners to securely store this information and to send email newsletters and direct communication. 


You can unsubscribe from all email newsletters by following the unsubscribe link found in the footers of all such emails.  You can also contact the website administrator to request removal from our email lists. 


This website has links to external websites.  We are not responsible for the privacy practices of any of these websites.   Users are encouraged to read the Privacy and Terms of Use of any external sites they visit.


Privacy and Data concerns can be sent to the website administrator at